Monday, March 23, 2009

Still another week left.

We are all ready to go but the US Embassy in Korea is asking for one more document. If they accept it by fax or email I could get my travel call in the next day or 2. If they insist on waiting for the original to get to Korea, I should get the call next week.

If I get the call this week Lisa and I will leave Sunday (3/29). If I get it by Wednesday of next week we'll leave the day after the call. If it comes next Thursday or later we'll leave on Sunday (4/5). We have to arrive on a week day and Korea is a day ahead so we can't depart on a Friday or Saturday.

Hopefully my next post will be announcing our TRAVEL CALL! Every minute Annie isn't in my arms has become torture. I need my baby girl.


Anonymous said...

We are in the same boat as you. We got our referral December 16th. Has Annie had her visa interview? Paul hasn't. I'm not getting many answers. Soon. That's the standard. Just trying to see where others stand. Hope you hear good news soon.

Kori said...

So sorry Jenny. Everything is done and has been returned to the US Embassy in Korea. The Embassy just wants one more document from us and then they will schedule her interview and issue her visa. I hope you get some answers soon! -Kori

Kari said...

Almost there, wow so exciting

Lucky Mama said...

I'm going to disneyland and I am expecting to see a TC post when I get back. Come on Korea Kori needs her baby!!!!!!!

Emily said...


I remember that feeling of anguish and longing... waiting to leave to get my baby girl. Keep yourself sane, as calm as possible, and try to sit back and enjoy the ride. This will be the most wonderful, exhilarating, and stressful trip of your life.

Congratulations :)

